Help with The Set Up Strategy Program

How does this work?

This is an amazing opportunity to set up, build, and grow your online business using strategy, guidance, and templates to make your business life 10x's easier.

  1. Make sure to check out the introductory lessons and download the “app” to your phone
  2. Download your Set Up Strategy Playbook and PrepBook as your reference guide as you build
  3. Select the Training Courses you most need at this stage in your business
  4. Attend Weekly or Bi-Weekly coaching calls to expand your mindset and optimize your decision making
  5. Submit questions in Ask Rizzy to get personalized answers to your business questions either written or with Loom.

 You can turn this into an App on Your Iphone by following this Video! 🙂 

How does Group Coaching Work?

You will have access to  1 Live Coaching Sessions or 1 Q+A coaching sessions every month.

Live Coaching is when you sign up to ask your business question and it's answered live with your peers. This a great time way for you to grow and learn from others as they build their online businesses using the same strategy.

 Q+A coaching is when you submit questions in the chat box and Rizzy will answer them live.


How do I submit a question?

Please head over to Ask Rizzy to Submit your business questions. All tech needs can be submitted in the tech form, you will have access to that page depending on your membership.


When and where will my question be answered?

All questions will be answered within a week and be sent to your email or loom account. You can also choose to have your Q+A added to the list of questions and view your answer there.


How do I send a question on Loom?

To send questions on Loom click on the Loom icon in your browser or on your desktop and ask the question with your screen showing so Rizzy can visually see what you are referring to or camera only.

You can then click share or click the link icon on your Loom video and paste the link into your Ask Rizzy question.


How does my subscription work?

Your subscription renews monthly or annually based on your plan selection.

The DIY [Do- It-Yourself] subscription has full access to the membership site, bi-weekly group coaching, as well as 24/7 access to Ask Rizzy.

The DWY[ Done-With-You] subscription includes everything in DIY plus weekly accountability checks, bi-weekly coaching, tech set up to kickoff your funnels and website, and monthly tech support.


How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription using this form.


I have another question…?

Please send additional membership-related questions to We will get back to you within 2 business days.
